Cisco Acs 5.2 Patch Installation
Thank you very match for this amazing Post. Actually Cisco documentation about patching complex ACS deployment i quite poor.
ACS 5.2 patch 5-2-0-26-2.tar.gpg AAA, Identity and NAC Cisco Technical Support Forum 5936 11116791. Acs patch install 5-2-0-26-2.tar.gpg repository tftp. Aug 11, 2013 Video Page more ACS videos at http. And removing software patch on Cisco ACS 5.4 in a.
Cisco Acs Replacement
Capsoul records. I can't understand while secondary ACS should be patched while being in local mode, this procedure implies two acs restarts on secondary nodes. In our deployment we have a primary node that acts as log collector but it's not used by NADs to authenticate end points. All our dot1x switches and wireless controller have two out of 4 secondary ACSs configured as radius servers so in our deployment downtime on secondary ACS is more critical than downtime on primary.
Hi all, Does anybody successfuly install patch 5-2-0-26-2.tar.gpg on ACS 5.2? After downloading the patch from my tftp repository I received error message: acs patch install 5-2-0-26-2.tar.gpg repository tftp chmod: cannot access `.sh': No such file or directory Invalid patch '5-2-0-26-2.tar.gpg' - missing Error: Failure to open / validate the patch I tried to download the patch from Cisco website two times with the same result. I also tried 5-2-0-26-1.tar.gpg patch to no avail. There seems to be no errors on the site of tftp server (I am using 3CDaemon).
Cisco Acs 5.2 Installation Guide
Thank you very much for your reply. Yours sincerely, Zdenek Rottenberg. Hello, I had the same problem transferring using a repository type TFTP, using 3CDaemon as TFTP-server. I defined an FTP repository instead; ACS02/admin# conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ACS02/admin(config)# repository FTP ACS02/admin(config-Repository)# url ACS02/admin(config-Repository)# user anonymous password plain Then I installed the patch; ACS02/admin# acs patch install 5-2-0-26-1.tar.gpg repository FTP Installing ACS patch requires a restart of ACS services. (yes/no) yes Stopping ACS.
Cisco Acs 4.2
Stopping Management and View. Stopping Runtime. Stopping Database. Worked like a charm. Dunno why tftp didn't work, but FTP did the trick.