Grandia Saturn English Patch
For Grandia on the Saturn, GameFAQs has 15 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs), 4 reviews, 4 critic reviews, and 13 user screenshots. For Grandia on the Saturn, GameFAQs has 15 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs), 4 reviews, 4 critic reviews, and 13 user screenshots.
I've always wanted to play this game.I didn't even know there was a translated playstation version.It was like one of the biggest fan efforts in years. Totally on par with the Mother 3 translation. Incredible translation.
The team deserves a ton of respect, not just for how faithful and well written the translation is, but for the number of technical hurdles they crossed. This saturn translation might take years, just like the PSX one did, because it's not simply a matter of inserting text into the game.
Significant portions of the game need to be reprogrammed. I'd recommend checking out the PSX version if you can't wait, because it's worth it. It's a lot better with a playstation mouse, too.
I didn't think there was much radically different with PC-E Snatcher to warrant a translation.I think the PCE's music rendition, alone, makes it worthwhile. Also, a good fan translation would be able to give us dialogues closer to the original material, without censorship and cuts.
E For Everyone
Well, IMO there's even reasons enough for a third and final translation of Policenauts, but that's time for the 3DO version (which also supports mouse). Despite the extras of the later ones, the 3DO's retains the best art in comparison IMO, without so many digital retouches of the PS1/SAT versions.