Robot Wars Extreme Destruction Pc

Robot Wars Extreme Destruction Pc Average ratng: 4,0/5 998 reviews
  1. Robot Wars Extreme Destruction Demo
  2. Robot Wars Extreme Destruction Pc Download
  3. Microsoft Windows

Design a robot and take it into the arena to test. No forum topics for Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction. PC; Xbox; Design a robot and take it into the arena to.

Robot Wars Extreme Destruction Demo

Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction Cheats For Xbox. Unlockable Characters Unlockable Unlockable Complete Stage 7 of the competition mode. (Complete every event and defeat the champion) Chaos 2 Complete Stage 7 of the competition mode. (Complete every event and defeat the champion) Dominator 2 Complete Stage 6 of the competition mode.

Robot Wars Extreme Destruction Pc

(Complete every event and defeat the champion) Hypno-Disc Complete Stage 6 of the competition mode. (Complete every event and defeat the champion) Razer Complete Stage 7 of the competition mode. Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction Cheats For PC. Enter at pause menu: Effect Effect getridofthosepeskyairobots AI robots on/off timeisonmyside Infinite time nowyouseemenowyoudont Invisibility on/off weirdnakedrobots See-through armour Contributed by: Christophee.

Design a robot and take it into the arena to test. No forum topics for Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction. PC; Xbox; Design a robot and take it into the arena to. Jan 01, 2002 Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction PC at GameSpy - Check out the latest Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction cheats, cheat codes, walkthroughs, guides, videos and.

Enter at competition menu: Effect Effect fabletmeplayasahouserobot House robots in garage in arcade mode givememoresponds More money in competition mode Contributed by: Christophee. Enter at main menu: Effect Effect accessallarenas Open all arenas Contributed by: Christophee Walkthroughs & FAQs Type Name File Size General FAQs 27K.

Enter the following codes without the quotes to unlock the corresponding effect. Unlock ALL Arenas: At the 'Main' menu enter 'accessallarenas'. Unlock More money in Competition Mode: At the 'Competition' menu enter 'givememoresponds'. Unlock House Robots in Garage in Arcade Mode: At the 'Competition' menu enter 'fabletmeplayasahouserobot'. Unlock Infinite Time: During gameplay pause the game and enter 'timeisonmyside'. Unlock See-Through Armour: During gameplay pause the game and enter 'weirdnakedrobots'. Unlock Invisibility: During gameplay pause the game and enter 'nowyouseemenowyoudont'.

Robot Wars Extreme Destruction Pc Download

Unlock AI Robots: During gameplay pause the game and enter 'getridofthosepeskyairobots'. Enter the following codes to unlock the corresponding effect. Open ALL Arenas: At the 'Main' menu type 'accessallarenas' without the quotes. Unlock Invisibility: At the 'Pause' menu, type 'nowyouseemenowyoudont' without the quotes. Unlock See Thru Armor: At the 'Pause' menu type 'weirdnakedrobots' without the quotes. AI On/Off: At the 'Pause' menu type 'getridofthosepeskyairobots' without the quotes.



Microsoft Windows

Unlimited Time: At the 'Pause' menu type 'timeisonmyside' without the quotes. Unlock House Robots in Arcade Garage: At the 'Competition' menu type 'fabletmeplayasahouserobot' without the quotes. Get More Cash: At the 'Competition' menu type 'givememoresponds' without the quotes.