Sqlplus Spool Date File

Sqlplus Spool Date File Average ratng: 3,5/5 8795 reviews

You could also use the following, although it does introduce spaces between fields. Set colsep, - separate columns with a comma set pagesize 0 - No header rows set trimspool on - remove trailing blanks set headsep off - this may or may not be useful.depends on your headings. Set linesize X - X should be the sum of the column widths set numw X - X should be the length you want for numbers (avoid scientific notation on IDs) spool myfile.csv select tablename, tablespacename from alltables where owner = 'SYS' and tablespacename is not null; Output will be like: TABLEPRIVILEGEMAP,SYSTEM SYSTEMPRIVILEGEMAP,SYSTEM STMTAUDITOPTIONMAP,SYSTEM DUAL,SYSTEM. This would be a lot less tedious than typing out all of the fields and concatenating them with the commas.

I'm pretty new to oracle and i'm not able to solve this problem for myself. How can i edit the date format and the position of the date(that one. In this data tutorial, learn how to write a CSV file using Oracle SQL Plus. You also need to halt spool so the file output is closed by using the spool off command. Jun 10, 2007 Dynamically set name of spool file in SQL*Plus. So here is an solution for using date. Dynamically set name of spool file in SQL*Plus.

You could follow up with a simple sed script to remove whitespace that appears before a comma, if you wanted. Something like this might work.(my sed skills are very rusty, so this will likely need work) sed 's/ s+,/,/' myfile.csv. I see a similar problem. I need to spool CSV file from SQLPLUS, but the output has 250 columns.

What I did to avoid annoying SQLPLUS output formatting: set linesize 9999 set pagesize 50000 spool myfile.csv select x from ( select col1 ';' col2 ';' col3 ';' col4 ';' col5 ';' col6 ';' col7 ';' col8 ';' col9 ';' col10 ';' col11 ';' col12 ';' col13 ';' col14 ';' col15 ';' col16 ';' col17 ';' col18 ';' col19 ';' col20 ';' col21 ';' col22 ';' col23 ';' col24 ';' col25 ';' col26 ';' col27 ';' col28 ';' col29 ';' col30 as x from (. Here is the 'core' select ) ); spool off the problem is you will lose column header names. With newer versions of client tools, there are multiple options to format the query output. The rest is to spool it to a file or save the output as a file depending on the client tool.

Here are few of the ways:. SQL.Plus Using the SQL.Plus commands you could format to get your desired output. Use SPOOL to spool the output to a file. You should be aware that values of fields could contain commas and quotation characters, so some of the suggested answers would not work, as the CSV output file would not be correct. To replace quotation characters in a field, and replace it with the double quotation character, you can use the REPLACE function that oracle provides, to change a single quote to double quote. Set echo off set heading off set feedback off set linesize 1024 - or some other value, big enough set pagesize 50000 set verify off set trimspool on spool output.csv select trim( ' replace(col1, ', ') ',' replace(col2, ', ') ',' replace(coln, ', ') ' ) - etc.

For all the columns from yourtable / spool off Or, if you want the single quote character for the fields: set echo off set heading off set feedback off set linesize 1024 - or some other value, big enough set pagesize 50000 set verify off set trimspool on spool output.csv select trim( ' replace(col1, ', ') ',' replace(col2, ', ') ',' replace(coln, ', ') ' ) - etc. For all the columns from yourtable / spool off.

Question: I want to see an example of the SQL.Plus spool command. What is the purpose of spooling output in SQL.Plus?


Spool Date

Answer: The SPOOL command causes SQL.Plus to write the results to a file on the operating system. SQL spool /tmp/myfile.lst Once spool is set, SQL.Plus will continue to spool the output until the command SPOOL OFF. Note that the file cannot be seen or used until the SPOOL OFF command. The spool command is very useful when you want to generate SQL from the data dictionary. Here is an example of a SQL.Plus spool command: spool runme.sql select 'select. from dbatables' where tablename like 'FRED%'; spool off; @runme Using the Oracle spool command The 'spool' command is used within SQL.Plus to direct the output of any query to a server-side flat file.

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SQL spool /tmp/myfile.lst Becuse the spool command interfaces with the OS layer, the spool command is commonly used within Oracle shell scripts. You have several options for writing conditional messages to a SQL.Plus spool file.

I would just check the spool file size after you execute it: $ORACLEHOME/bin/sqlplus system/manager

How do you add SYSDATE to a spool file name? You can select SYSDATE into a variable name using the DUAL pseudo-table, and execute the name as part of the spool command: sqlplus. Select 'invoice' tochar(sysdate, 'yymmdd') spoolname from dual spool '&spoolname' select stuff. Spool off Using the Oracle spool append command if you spool out a file that does not exist, SQL.Plus creates a new file. SQL.Plus replaces the existing file if the file name already exists.

Spool date

In Oracle 10g, the SPOOL command has a new APPEND option. Now, you can append new SQL.Plus output in an existing file. Get the Complete Oracle SQL Tuning Information The landmark book is filled with valuable information on Oracle SQL Tuning. This book includes scripts and tools to hypercharge Oracle 11g performance and you can for 30% off directly from the publisher. Burleson is the American Team Note: This Oracle documentation was created as a support and Oracle training reference for use by our DBA performance tuning consulting professionals. Feel free to ask questions on our. Verify experience!

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