Ibm Spss Modeler 14.1
This Fix Pack provides important product corrections for IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 and will upgrade your Modeler 14.1 installations to Modeler For Modeler Client you can determine your current version/patch level by selecting the 'About' option within the 'Help' menu in Modeler Client, and then clicking the 'Additional Details' button. For Modeler Server and Batch this information can be found in the file “version32.txt” or “version64.txt”in the product installation directory.
A comprehensive list of defect corrections for fix packs of SPSS Modeler 14.1. Details of the fixes are listed below. If you have questions about a particular defect. I've created a stream in Modeler v13 that fix our internal data base fields 'first name' and 'last name' from all letters uppercase to first letter uppercase and rest. This Fix Pack will upgrade your IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 installation to IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 FP2 (
Updates for (included in Modeler Premium) This Fix Pack has gone through a targeted regression test suite aimed at validating the roll up of escalated defect resolutions that have gone into the Fix Pack. Issues corrected: For release notes, please refer to the. This Fix Pack can only be installed over existing client and server installations of IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1.0.x.
NOTE: If you are applying Modeler Client or Batch Fix Pack you MUST also apply the corresponding Fix Pack to your Modeler Server installation(s). NOTE: If you are using Collaboration and Deployment Services/Predictive Enterprise Services, please download and install the 14.1 Fix Pack 2 Modeler adapters if applying Fix Pack 2 to your Modeler Client or Server installations. NOTE: There is no Solution Publisher 14.1 FP2.
Solution Publisher 14.1 is fully compatible with Modeler 14.1 FP2. Support customers can download Modeler 14.1 from. Installation Instructions.
To Install on Windows platforms: NOTE: Before applying the fix pack, you must back-up the options.cfg in your installation's config directory. If the fix pack needs to update this file, any custom modifications will be overridden. After the fix pack is applied, review the options.cfg file to verify whether custom modifications have been reset. Back-up the options.cfg file in your installation's config directory. Download the zip file containing the fix pack you require, and extract the contents of file.
Doing so creates a.exe file. Ensure Modeler Client or Batch is shut down before applying the fix pack.
If you are updating Modeler Server, ensure that its service is stopped. Double-click the.exe file that you have downloaded. The installer automatically finds your Modeler 14.1 installation. When the installation wizard is displayed, choose 'Next' and then 'Install' to apply the fix pack. To Install on UNIX and Linux platforms (Modeler Batch and Modeler Server only): NOTE: Before applying the fix pack, you must back-up the options.cfg in your installation's config directory. If the fix pack needs to update this file, any custom modifications will be overridden. After the fix pack is applied, review the options.cfg file to verify whether custom modifications have been reset.
Back-up the options.cfg file in your installation's config directory. Download the appropriate.gz file containing the fix pack you require, and uncompress the.gz file, using a utility such as gunzip.
Doing so creates an executable.bin file. If you are updating Modeler Server, stop Modeler Server and back up it's installation directory. After you have stopped Modeler Server run the command:./ list This command should return no processes. On AIX ONLY, enter the following command: /usr/sbin/slibclean. Ensuring that you are logged in as the user that originally installed the product, copy the.bin file (from the fix pack's.gz file) to the product's installation directory. Execute the.bin file that you have copied into the product's installation directory and follow the installation wizard prompts.
Ibm Spss
An example of executing a.bin file is:./modelerserveraix64.bin IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 Fix Pack 2 Adapters for Collaboration and Deployment Services (C&DS) Installation Instructions. The IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 Fix Pack 2 Adapters for Collaboration and Deployment Services allow C&DS 4.2.x to recognize and work with Modeler Server 14.1 Fix Pack 2. NOTE: In order to apply these packages it is a requirement that you install C&DS 4.2.x.
You MUST also apply 14.1 Fix Pack 2 to your Modeler Server installation(s). Installation Instructions. Windows systems only. If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: C: Program Files IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services 4.2 Server Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services, and extract the contents of the zip file. Doing so creates a.exe file.
Ensure that the Collaboration and Deployment Services application server is in the following state:. JBoss: shutdown.
WebLogic: shutdown. WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server,take the following steps before installing the adapters:.
In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server. Double-click the.exe file that you have extracted from file. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Ensure that the installation folder is set to the 'Server' subdirectory of the directory to which the Collaboration and Deployment Services software was installed at the repository host, eg: C: Program Files IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services 4.2 Server. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
To do this:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Save your changes. Restart the Collaboration and Deployment Services Application server or service.
Unix systems (except iSeries). If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: /opt/IBM/SPSS/CollaborationandDeploymentServices/4.2/Server Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Download the compressed binary (.bin.gz) file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services. Uncompress the downloaded file using a utility such as gunzip. Ensure that the Collaboration and Deployment Services application server is in the following state:.
JBoss: shutdown. WebLogic: shutdown. WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server.
Execute the.bin file that was uncompressed in step 3. For example:./14.1-IM-S14MODELERCDS42-Solaris-FP002.bin. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Ensure that the installation folder is set to the 'Server' subdirectory of the directory to which the Collaboration and Deployment Services software was installed at the repository host, eg. C&DS VRM Directory 4.2.1 /opt/IBM/SPSS/CollaborationandDeploymentServices/4.2.1/Server 4.2 /opt/IBM/SPSS/CollaborationandDeploymentServices/4.2/Server 7.
If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. To do this:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’.
Save your changes. Restart the Collaboration and Deployment Services Application server or service. iSeries systems. If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: /opt/IBM/SPSS/CollaborationandDeploymentServices/4.2/Server Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services.
Extract the contents of file using the jar utility. This will create an install.jar file. For example: jar -xvf If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server.
Execute the install.jar file that was extracted from file: java -jar install.jar. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator.
Ensure that the installation folder is set to the 'Server' subdirectory of the directory to which the Collaboration and Deployment Services software was installed at the repository host, eg. C&DS VRM Directory 4.2.1 /opt/IBM/SPSS/CollaborationandDeploymentServices/4.2.1/Server 4.2 /opt/IBM/SPSS/CollaborationandDeploymentServices/4.2/Server 7. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
To do this:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Save your changes. Note: Under some circumstances, the installer for iSeries will be unable to determine the available disk space on the disk partition where Collaboration and Deployment Services has been installed, and will report a number of errors instead.
These errors can safely be ignored as they do not affect installation of the adapter. The IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 Fix Pack 2 Adapters for Collaboration and Deployment Services allow C&DS 4.1 to recognize and work with Modeler Server 14.1 Fix Pack 2. NOTE: In order to apply these packages it is a requirement that you install C&DS 4.1.1 patch. You MUST also apply 14.1 Fix Pack 2 to your Modeler Server installation(s). Installation Instructions. Windows systems only. If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: C: Program Files SPSSInc PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services 4.1 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist.
Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services, and extract the contents of the zip file. Doing so creates a.exe file.
Ensure that the Collaboration and Deployment Services application server is in the following state:. JBoss: shutdown. WebLogic: shutdown. WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server,take the following steps before installing the adapters:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’.
Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server. Double-click the.exe file that you have extracted from file. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. To do this:.
In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Save your changes. Restart the Collaboration and Deployment Services Application server or service. Unix systems (except iSeries). If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: /root/SPSSInc/PASWCollaborationDeploymentServices4.1 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist.
Download the compressed binary (.bin.gz) file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services. Uncompress the downloaded file using a utility such as gunzip. Ensure that the Collaboration and Deployment Services application server is in the following state:. JBoss: shutdown.
WebLogic: shutdown. WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server.
Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’.
Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server. Execute the.bin file that was uncompressed in step 3. For example:./14.1-IM-S14MODELERCDS41-Solaris-FP002.bin.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
To do this:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server.
Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’.
Save your changes. Restart the Collaboration and Deployment Services Application server or service. iSeries systems.
If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: /root/SPSSInc/PASWCollaborationDeploymentServices4.1 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services. Extract the contents of file using the jar utility. This will create an install.jar file.
For example: jar -xvf WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server,take the following steps before installing the adapters:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server.
Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server. Execute the install.jar file that was extracted from file: java -jar install.jar.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. To do this:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’.
Save your changes. Note: Under some circumstances, the installer for iSeries will be unable to determine the available disk space on the disk partition where Collaboration and Deployment Services has been installed, and will report a number of errors instead. These errors can safely be ignored as they do not affect installation of the adapter.
The IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 Fix Pack 2 Adapters for Collaboration and Deployment Services allow C&DS 4.0 to recognize and work with Modeler Server 14.1 Fix Pack 2. NOTE: In order to apply these packages it is a requirement that you install C&DS 4.0.4 patch. You MUST also apply 14.1 Fix Pack 2 to your Modeler Server installation(s). Installation Instructions.
Windows systems only. If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: C: Program Files SPSSInc PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services 4 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Copy the following package from the /staging directory to the /pasw4.0/optional directory: scenario-plugin.package. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services, and extract the contents of the zip file. Doing so creates a.exe file. Ensure that the Collaboration and Deployment Services application server is in the following state:.
JBoss: shutdown. WebLogic: shutdown.
Oracle: shutdown. WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Disable the auto-start option for the licensing applications.
These applications are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'. Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server. Double-click the.exe file that you have extracted from file. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. From /setup directory run the Package Manager script appropriate to the system where Collaboration and Deployment Services is installed: packagemanager.bat. When the package manager starts up, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Click the 'Install' button.
Navigate to the /pasw4.0/optional directory, and select 'scenario-plugin.package'. You should see log messages scroll by and the tree update until the package is installed. Click 'Finish'. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. To do this:.
In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Enable the auto-start option for the licensing applications.
These applicatios are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'. Save your changes.
Restart the Collaboration and Deployment Services Application server or service. Unix systems (except iSeries).
If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: /root/SPSSInc/PASWCollaborationDeploymentServices4 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Copy the following package from the /staging directory to the /pasw4.0/optional directory: scenario-plugin.package. Download the compressed binary (.bin.gz) file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services. Uncompress the downloaded file using a utility such as gunzip. Ensure that the Collaboration and Deployment Services application server is in the following state:. JBoss: shutdown.
WebLogic: shutdown. Oracle: shutdown. WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Disable the auto-start option for the licensing applications.
These applications are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'. Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server. Execute the.bin file that was uncompressed in step 4. For example:./14.1-IM-S14MODELERCDS40-Solaris-FP002.bin. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. From /setup directory run the Package Manager script appropriate to the system where Collaboration and Deployment Services is installed: When the package manager starts up, enter the username and password of the repository administrator.
Click the 'Install' button. Navigate to the /pasw4.0/optional directory, and select 'scenario-plugin.package'. You should see log messages scroll by and the tree update until the package is installed. Click 'Finish'.
If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. To do this:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server.
Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Enable the auto-start option for the licensing applications. These applicatios are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'. Save your changes. Restart the Collaboration and Deployment Services Application server or service. iSeries systems.
If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: /root/SPSSInc/PASWCollaborationDeploymentServices4 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Copy the following package from the /staging directory to the /pasw4.0/optional directory: scenario-plugin.package. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services. Extract the contents of file using the jar utility. This will create an install.jar file. For example: jar -xvf WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters:.
In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Disable the auto-start option for the licensing applications. These applications are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'. Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server.
Execute the install.jar file that was extracted from file: java -jar install.jar. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Change directory to the /setup directory. Enter 'clipackagemanager.qsh'. Log in with the username and password of the repository administrator. Doing so displays the Package Manager prompt: pacakagemanager-.
Enter: install /pasw4.0/optional/scenario-plugin.package. When the Package Manager has finished, it returns to the Package Manager prompt: packagemanager-. Enter 'exit' to terminate the Package Manager. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. To do this:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Enable the auto-start option for the licensing applications. These applicatios are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'. Save your changes Note: Under some circumstances, the installer for iSeries will be unable to determine the available disk space on the disk partition where Collaboration and Deployment Services has been installed, and will report a number of errors instead. These errors can safely be ignored as they do not affect installation of the adapter. The IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 Fix Pack 2 Adapters for Predictive Enterprise Services allows PES 3.5 to recognize and work with Modeler Server 14.1 Fix Pack 2.
NOTE: In order to apply this package it is a requirement that you install PES 3.5.6 patch. You MUST also apply 14.1 Fix Pack 2 to your Modeler Server installation(s). Installation Instructions. Windows systems only Installation:. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Predictive Enterprise Services, and extract the contents of the zip file. Doing so creates a.exe file. Ensure that the Predictive Enterprise Repository application server is in the following state:.
JBoss: shutdown. WebLogic: shutdown. Oracle: shutdown. WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Disable the auto-start option for the licensing applications.
These applications are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'. Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server. Double-click the.exe file that you have extracted from file. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. To do this:.
In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Enable the auto-start option for the licensing applications.
These applicatios are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'. Save your changes. Restart the PES server or service. Unix systems (except iSeries) Installation:. Download the compressed binary file (.bin.gz) containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Predictive Enterprise Services.
Uncompress the downloaded file using a utility such as gunzip. Ensure that the Predictive Enterprise Repository application server is in the following state:. JBoss: shutdown. WebLogic: shutdown. Oracle: shutdown. WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server.
Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Disable the auto-start option for the licensing applications. These applications are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'.
Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server. Execute the.bin file that was uncomprssed in step 2. For example:./14.1-IM-S14MODELERPES35-Solaris-FP002.bin.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
To do this:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Enable the auto-start option for the licensing applications. These applicatios are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'. Save your changes.
Restart the PES server or service. iSeries systems Installation:. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Predictive Enterprise Services. Extract the contents of file using the jar utility. This will create an install.jar file. For example: jar -xvf WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters:.
In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Disable the auto-start option for the licensing applications. These applications are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'. Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server. Execute the install.jar file that was extracted from file: java -jar install.jar.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. To do this:. In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’. Enable the auto-start option for the licensing applications. These applicatios are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'. Save your changes Note: Under some circumstances, the installer for iSeries will be unable to determine the available disk space on the disk partition where Predictive Enterprise Services has been installed, and will report a number of errors instead. These errors can safely be ignored as they do not affect installation of the adapter.
This Fix Pack provides important product corrections for IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 and will upgrade your Modeler 14.1 installations to Modeler For Modeler Client you can determine your current version/patch level by selecting the “About” option within the “help” menu in Modeler Client, and then clicking the 'Additional Details' button. For Modeler Server Batch Solution Publisher Runtime this information can be found in the file “version32.txt” or “version64.txt”in the product installation directory.
This Fix Pack does not include updates for IBM SPSS Text Analytics as this component did not require product corrections for this Fix Pack. This Fix Pack provides important product corrections for IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1. It has gone through a targeted regression test suite aimed at validating the roll up of escalated defect resolutions that have gone into the Fix Pack.
Issues corrected: Prerequisites. This Fix Pack can only be installed over existing client and server installations of IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1. NOTE: If you are applying Modeler Client or Batch Fix Pack you MUST also apply the corresponding Fix Pack to your Modeler Server installation(s). NOTE: If you are using Collaboration and Deployment Services/Predictive Enterprise Services, please download and install the 14.1 FixPack 1 Modeler adapters if applying FixPack 1 to your Modeler Client or Server installations.
NOTE: There is no Solution Publisher 14.1 FP1. Solution Publisher 14.1 is fully compatible with Modeler 14.1 FP1 For product download information, please refer to. To Install on Windows platforms: NOTE: Before applying the fix pack, you must back-up the options.cfg in your installation's config directory. If the fix pack needs to update this file, any custom modifications will be overridden. After the fix pack is applied, review the options.cfg file to verify whether custom modifications have been reset. Back-up the options.cfg file in your installation's config directory. Download the zip file containing the fix pack you require, and extract the contents of file.
Doing so creates a.exe file. Ensure Modeler Client or Batch is shut down before applying the fix pack. If you are updating Modeler Server, ensure that its service is stopped. Double-click the.exe file that you have downloaded.
The installer automatically finds your Modeler 14.1 installation. When the installation wizard is displayed, choose 'Next' and then 'Install' to apply the fix pack.
To Install on UNIX and Linux platforms (Modeler Batch and Modeler Server only): NOTE: Before applying the fix pack, you must back-up the options.cfg in your installation's config directory. If the fix pack needs to update this file, any custom modifications will be overridden. After the fix pack is applied, review the options.cfg file to verify whether custom modifications have been reset.
Back-up the options.cfg file in your installation's config directory. Download the appropriate.gz file containing the fix pack you require, and uncompress the.gz file, using a utility such as gunzip. Doing so creates an executable.bin file. If you are updating Modeler Server, stop Modeler Server and back up it's installation directory. After you have stopped Modeler Server run the command:./ list This command should return no processes. On AIX ONLY, enter the following command: /usr/sbin/slibclean 5.
Ensuring that you are logged in as the user that originally installed the product, copy the.bin file (from the fix pack's.gz file) to the product's installation directory. Execute the.bin file that you have copied into the product's installation directory and follow the installation wizard prompts. An example of executing a.bin file is:./modelerserveraix64.bin. The IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 FixPack 1 Adapters for Collaboration and Deployment Services allow C&DS 4.2 to recognize and work with Modeler Server 14.1 FixPack 1. NOTE: In order to apply these packages it is a requirement that you install C&DS 4.2. You MUST also apply 14.1 FixPack 1 to your Modeler Server installation(s). Installation Instructions.
Windows systems only 1. If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: C: Program Files IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services 4.2 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist.
Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services, and extract the contents of the zip file. Doing so creates a.exe file. Ensure that the Collaboration and Deployment Services application server is in the following state: - JBoss: shutdown - WebLogic: shutdown - WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server,take the following steps before installing the adapters: (a) In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. (b) Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’ (c) Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server 4. Double-click the.exe file that you have extracted from file.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Ensure that the installation folder is set to the 'Server' subdirectory of the directory to which the Collaboration and Deployment Services software was installed at the repository host, eg: C: Program Files IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services 4.2 Server 6. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. To do this: (a) In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. (b) Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’ (c) Save your changes.
Restart the Collaboration and Deployment Services Application server or service. Unix systems (except iSeries) 1. If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: C: Program Files IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services 4.2 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Download the compressed binary (.bin.gz) file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services.
Uncompress the downloaded file using a utility such as gunzip. Ensure that the Collaboration and Deployment Services application server is in the following state: - JBoss: shutdown - WebLogic: shutdown - WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters: (a) In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. (b) Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’ (c) Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server 5. Execute the.bin file that was uncompressed in step 3. For example:./14.1-IM-S14MODELERCDS42-Solaris-FP001.bin 6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator.
Ensure that the installation folder is set to the 'Server' subdirectory of the directory to which the Collaboration and Deployment Services software was installed at the repository host, eg: /opt/IBM/SPSS/CollaborationandDeploymentServices/4.2/Server 7. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. To do this: (a) In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. (b) Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’ (c) Save your changes. Restart the Collaboration and Deployment Services Application server or service. iSeries systems 1.
If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: C: Program Files IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services 4.2 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services. Extract the contents of file using the jar utility.
This will create an install.jar file. For example: jar -xvf 4. Ensure the WebSphere instance is active. Execute the install.jar file that was extracted from file: java -jar install.jar 6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Ensure that the installation folder is set to the 'Server' subdirectory of the directory to which the Collaboration and Deployment Services software was installed at the repository host, eg: /opt/IBM/SPSS/CollaborationandDeploymentServices/4.2/Server Note: Under some circumstances, the installer for iSeries will be unable to determine the available disk space on the disk partition where Collaboration and Deployment Services has been installed, and will report a number of errors instead. These errors can safely be ignored as they do not affect installation of the adapter. The IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 FixPack 1 Adapters for Collaboration and Deployment Services allow C&DS 4.1 to recognize and work with Modeler Server 14.1 FixPack 1. NOTE: In order to apply these packages it is a requirement that you install C&DS 4.1.1 patch. You MUST also apply 14.1 FixPack 1 to your Modeler Server installation(s). Installation Instructions.
Windows systems only 1. If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: C: Program Files SPSSInc PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services 4.1 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services, and extract the contents of the zip file. Doing so creates a.exe file.
Ensure that the Collaboration and Deployment Services application server is in the following state: - JBoss: shutdown - WebLogic: shutdown - WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server,take the following steps before installing the adapters: (a) In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. (b) Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’ (c) Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server 4. Double-click the.exe file that you have extracted from file. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator.
Ensure that the installation folder is set to the directory to which the Collaboration and Deployment Services software was installed at the repository host. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
To do this: (a) In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. (b) Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’ (c) Save your changes. Restart the Collaboration and Deployment Services Application server or service. Unix systems (except iSeries) 1. If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: C: Program Files SPSSInc PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services 4.1 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Download the compressed binary (.bin.gz) file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services.
Uncompress the downloaded file using a utility such as gunzip. Ensure that the Collaboration and Deployment Services application server is in the following state: - JBoss: shutdown - WebLogic: shutdown - WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters: (a) In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server.
(b) Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’ (c) Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server 5. Execute the.bin file that was uncompressed in step 3. For example:./14.1-IM-S14MODELERCDS41-Solaris-FP001.bin 6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Ensure that the installation folder is set to the directory to which the Collaboration and Deployment Services software was installed at the repository host. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. To do this: (a) In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. (b) Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’ (c) Save your changes.
Restart the Collaboration and Deployment Services Application server or service. iSeries systems 1. If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: C: Program Files SPSSInc PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services 4.1 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services. Extract the contents of file using the jar utility.
This will create an install.jar file. For example: jar -xvf 4. Ensure the WebSphere instance is active. Execute the install.jar file that was extracted from file: java -jar install.jar 6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Ensure that the installation folder is set to the directory to which the Collaboration and Deployment Services software was installed at the repository host. Note: Under some circumstances, the installer for iSeries will be unable to determine the available disk space on the disk partition where Collaboration and Deployment Services has been installed, and will report a number of errors instead.
These errors can safely be ignored as they do not affect installation of the adapter. The IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 FixPack 1 Adapters for Collaboration and Deployment Services allow C&DS 4.0 to recognize and work with Modeler Server 14.1 FixPack 1.
NOTE: In order to apply these packages it is a requirement that you install C&DS 4.0.4 patch. You MUST also apply 14.1 FixPack 1 to your Modeler Server installation(s). Installation Instructions. Windows systems only 1. If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: C: Program Files SPSSInc PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services 4 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Copy the following package from the /staging directory to the /pasw4.0/optional directory: scenario-plugin.package 3.
Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services, and extract the contents of the zip file. Doing so creates a.exe file. Ensure that the Collaboration and Deployment Services application server is in the following state: - JBoss: shutdown - WebLogic: shutdown - Oracle: shutdown - WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters: (a) In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. (b) Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’ (c) Disable the auto-start option for the licensing applications.
These applications are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'. (d) Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server 5. Double-click the.exe file that you have extracted from file. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Ensure that the installation folder is set to the directory to which the Collaboration and Deployment Services software was installed at the repository host.
From /setup directory run the Package Manager script appropriate to the system where Collaboration and Deployment Services is installed: packagemanager.bat 8. When the package manager starts up, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Click the 'Install' button 10. Navigate to the /pasw4.0/optional directory, and select 'scenario-plugin.package'. You should see log messages scroll by and the tree update until the package is installed. Click 'Finish' 12.
If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. To do this: (a) In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. (b) Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’ (c) Enable the auto-start option for the licensing applications. These applicatios are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws' (d) Save your changes.
Restart the Collaboration and Deployment Services Application server or service. Unix systems (except iSeries) 1. If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: C: Program Files SPSSInc PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services 4 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Copy the following package from the /staging directory to the /pasw4.0/optional directory: scenario-plugin.package 3.
Download the compressed binary (.bin.gz) file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services. Uncompress the downloaded file using a utility such as gunzip.
Ensure that the Collaboration and Deployment Services application server is in the following state: - JBoss: shutdown - WebLogic: shutdown - Oracle: shutdown - WebSphere: If using a WebSphere application server, take the following steps before installing the adapters: (a) In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. (b) Disable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’ (c) Disable the auto-start option for the licensing applications. These applications are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws'.
(d) Save your changes and restart the WebSphere application Server 6. Execute the.bin file that was uncompressed in step 4. For example:./14.1-IM-S14MODELERCDS40-Solaris-FP001.bin 7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Ensure that the installation folder is set to the directory to which the Collaboration and Deployment Services software was installed at the repository host.
From /setup directory run the Package Manager script appropriate to the system where Collaboration and Deployment Services is installed: 9. When the package manager starts up, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Click the 'Install' button. Navigate to the /pasw4.0/optional directory, and select 'scenario-plugin.package'.
You should see log messages scroll by and the tree update until the package is installed. Click 'Finish' 13. If using a WebSphere Application Server, you need to enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications.
To do this: (a) In the WebSphere admin console, navigate to the deployed applications for your Collaboration and Deployment Services server. (b) Enable the auto-start option for the scoring applications. These applications are called ‘scoring’ and ‘scoring-ejb’ (c) Enable the auto-start option for the licensing applications. These applicatios are called 'admin', 'security', and 'security-ws' (d) Save your changes. Restart the Collaboration and Deployment Services Application server or service. iSeries systems 1.
If a previous installation installed either of the following files to the /staging directory, delete them from there: ModelerScoring1300.package ModelerScoring1302.package Note: refers to the installation directory, for example: C: Program Files SPSSInc PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services 4 Note: Do not delete any other 'Modeler.package' files that may reside in this directory; only the ones specified above, if they exist. Copy the following package from the /staging directory to the /pasw4.0/optional directory: scenario-plugin.package 3. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Collaboration and Deployment Services. Extract the contents of file using the jar utility.
This will create an install.jar file. For example: jar -xvf 5. Ensure the WebSphere instance is active. Execute the install.jar file that was extracted from file: java -jar install.jar 7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Ensure that the installation folder is set to the directory to which the Collaboration and Deployment Services software was installed at the repository host.
Change directory to the /setup directory. Enter 'clipackagemanager.qsh' 10.
Log in with the username and password of the repository administrator. Doing so displays the Package Manager prompt: pacakagemanager- 11. Enter: install /pasw4.0/optional/scenario-plugin.package 12. When the Package Manager has finished, it returns to the Package Manager prompt: packagemanager- 13. Enter 'exit' to terminate the Package Manager. Note: Under some circumstances, the installer for iSeries will be unable to determine the available disk space on the disk partition where Collaboration and Deployment Services has been installed, and will report a number of errors instead. These errors can safely be ignored as they do not affect installation of the adapter.
The IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 FixPack 1 Adapters for Predictive Enterprise Services allows PES 3.5 to recognize and work with Modeler Server 14.1 FixPack 1. NOTE: In order to apply this package it is a requirement that you install PES 3.5.6 patch.
You MUST also apply 14.1 FixPack 1 to your Modeler Server installation(s). Installation Instructions. Windows systems only 1. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Predictive Enterprise Services, and extract the contents of the zip file.
Doing so creates a.exe file. Ensure that the Predictive Enterprise Repository application server is in the following state: - JBoss: shutdown - WebLogic: shutdown - WebSphere: running, server should be recycled prior to running Package Manager to clear jni handles - Oracle: shutdown 3.
Double-click the.exe file that you have extracted from file 4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Ensure that the installation folder is set to the directory to which the Predictive Enterprise Services software was installed at the repository host. Restart the PES server or service.
Unix systems (except iSeries) 1. Download the compressed binary file (.bin.gz) containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Predictive Enterprise Services. Uncompress the downloaded file using a utility such as gunzip.
Ensure that the Predictive Enterprise Repository application server is in the following state: - JBoss: shutdown - WebLogic: shutdown - WebSphere: running, server should be recycled prior to running Package Manager to clear jni handles - Oracle: shutdown 4. Execute the.bin file that was uncomprssed in step 2. For example:./14.1-IM-S14MODELERPES35-Solaris-FP001.bin 5. Follow the on-screen instrcutions to complete the installation. When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator. Ensure that the installation folder is set to the directory to which the Predictive Enterprise Services software was installed at the repository host.
Restart the PES server or service. iSeries systems 1. Download file containing the correct adapter for your operating system and version of Predictive Enterprise Services.
Extract the contents of file using the jar utility. This will create an install.jar file. For example: jar -xvf 3. Ensure that the WebSphere instance is active.
Execute the install.jar file that was extracted from file: java -jar install.jar 5. Follow the on-screen instrcutions to complete the installation. When prompted, enter the username and password of the repository administrator.
Ensure that the installation folder is set to the directory to which the Predictive Enterprise Services software was installed at the repository host. Note: Under some circumstances, the installer for iSeries will be unable to determine the available disk space on the disk partition where Predictive Enterprise Services has been installed, and will report a number of errors instead.
These errors can safely be ignored as they do not affect installation of the adapter.